Our most recent oversight visit to Cambodia trip began on Sunday, February 19, when over 80 current CASF students and graduates traveled from Phnom Penh to an island off Kep, Cambodia for a community gathering. Although many of them had never seen the sea, they jumped onto the boat without hesitation. We had a delicious meal of pepper crab, shrimp and fish, and then swam and explored this beautiful place.

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Our CASF students are strong, fearless, and smart, and they know how to have a good time.

In a visit to our village in Kandal, the university students led small group discussions with our high school students to guide the younger ones in their university and career decision-making.


We narrowly escaped a black scorpion. And we visited Panha's beautiful mother.

During our visit to our villages in Svay Rieng province, we visited with commune leaders and school officials, thanking them for participating in last year’s CASF program evaluation and getting their input on the results.

We donated books to schools in Doun Sa and Meun Chey, and took the first steps towards opening the CASF/Open Book Community Library in Ta Kheng Village.

Students asked us to explain to them where the scholarship money comes from, and then created a beautiful sign to thank donors.

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And we met the newest member of the CASF community, graduate Mao Sokunthy’s one-month old baby.

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