Fill our bookshelves!

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In Cambodia, the Cambodian Scholarship Foundation is part of the wonderful NGO, Open Book Libraries. In addition to providing a warm, safe reading space for children, with storytelling and other activities, Open Book is a publisher of quality children’s literature.

In 2017 and 2018, CASF and Open Book Libraries opened up libraries in our two villages in Kandal and Svay Rieng provinces, to help bring a love of reading to the children of these impoverished areas. Our university students delivered the bookshelves and an initial selection of books in both Khmer and English. Volunteers from Open Book Libraries trained local community members in the management of a reading room/library.

Now, we need books! We are hoping to raise $2,000 between now and August 31st, to purchase books in Khmer for the children of our villages.

As a special incentive, the first fifty people to donate $50 will receive a signed copy of Baa baa baa-ing, written by CASF founder Fred Lipp and illustrated by former board member Sam Van Dam.



This beautiful book of friendship and devotion to life tells the story of Lewis, who is raising two abandoned baby lambs in his house in the country. It celebrates the words of Anatole France: “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

To help buy books for the children of Cambodia, please click on the Donate button below. Akun!




$1650 raised of $2000 goal from 24 donors. Akun!